The Annual Historic Atkins-Porter Neighborhood Yard Sale is going hi-tech this year with smartphone technology that will direct shoppers to homes offering sales. The event features 16 yard sales and kicks off this Saturday, May 8, at 8:00 am.
“After taking a year off during COVID, we are so excited about this sale,” said Rachel Terrell, Historic A-P Neighborhood Association president. “There will be lots of bargains to be had, and the smartphone directions on will make it easy to navigate the neighborhood.”
As a tip of the hat to the neighborhood’s 19th Century roots, a good ol’ paper map also will be available at the sale. “We’ll also be posting the map, on our Atkins-Porter Neighborhood Facebook page, and there will be plenty of signage in the neighborhood,” she said. The event rain date is Saturay, June 5.
Shoppers are encouraged to park at the A.P. Recreation Center on Walnut and enjoy strolling the neighborhood’s historic, shady streets. “Many of these sales are within walking distance of each other, which makes it easier to shop” said Terrell. As in years past, there will be cold drinks sold at some locations.
The neighborhood lies within a triangular footprint bordered by Veterans Drive/Market Street, East Wood Street and Tyson Avenue.
Founded in 2016, the Historic Atkins Porter Neighborhood Association takes part in Helping Hand, built the Little Free Library at the A.P. Rec Center, participates in the DPA Downtown Ice Cream Social & Antique Car Show, holds fundraisers for the Atkins-Porter Community Botanical Garden, and hosts HAPNA in the Park, litter pick ups, and the neighborhood Christmas lighting contest,” according to Vice-President Vickey Roberts.
With additional neighbors expressing interest in the sale after the official cutoff date, Terrell estimated that more than 20 homes will be represented, many of them with multi-family sales. An eclectic mix of items will be available including antiques, kitchen items, architectural
salvage, children and adult clothing, household items, toys, books, tools, car seats, fishing poles, furniture, a telescope, cross-cut saws, books, lawn mowers, tractor seats, jewelry, and more.
The popular, neighborhood-wide, yard-sale Saturday began in 2017, taking place on Mother’s Day weekend each year. “It has really become a fun, tradition for lots of folks,” said Terrell, who invited shoppers to take a break in the neighborhood botanical garden at 311 Jackson. “There are picnic tables under a pavilion, along with lovely, blooming trees, flowers and shrubs,” she added. Shoppers also will enjoy walking the neighborhood’s shady streets, viewing the historic homes, and checking out the Little Free Library at the Paris Paws Dog Park on South Highland Street.
Homes hosting sales are located on Thompson, Dunlap, Blanton, Head, Jackson, Highland, Ogburn, Walnut, E. Blythe, Edgewood, Park Street, Whitehall Circle and more.