Your Absence is requested! This gathering will not take place, and you don’t have to give up your precious evening or weekend to attend the event. That being said, the Paris and Henry County Healthcare Foundation NEEDS YOUR HELP, just not in person, so stay home, hang out on your couch, and join us for a live simulcast on Friday, November 20 at 6 p.m.
In place of its beloved Casino Night, The Paris and Henry County Healthcare Foundation is hosting an online auction that is now available for the community to jump on at and begin bidding on approximately 60 lots and over $10,000 worth of merchandise that has been donated by local businesses and friends.You can bid on items prior to November 20. The auction will go live at 6 p.m. via the simulcast, but you don’t even have to be online to secure your bid. Those participating can establish their maximum bid on an item, and hope they come out a winner if they decide they cannot be on the live auction. All you have to do is go online and register to begin bidding. Those who want to participate in the live auction must be registered prior to 6 p.m. on November 20.
The Paris and Henry County Healthcare Foundation encourages you to check out the video describing the auction and online bidding process including registration: Some of the featured items in the auction include a 3 night stay in a cabin at Pigeon Forge, TN as well as a 3 night stay at a condo in Daulphin Island. There are several amazing baskets as well as a chainsaw, leaf blower, and more!
In not attending this non-event, you’ll save yourself the cost of the ticket, the price of a new outfit, babysitter money, and your precious time. You have the option of doing early Christmas shopping from the comfort of your home with our online auction, or you can choose to donate to the Paris and Henry County Healthcare Foundation. All funds raised will go towards our cardiology program at Henry County Medical Center.
Each year, roughly 915,000 Americans will have a heart attack and more than 30% will have a second and potentially fatal event.
All items can by picked up on Monday, November 23, at HAT Law, one of our Premiere Sponsors of the Unmasked No Show Casino Night with payment at that time with cash, check, or PayPal. Hours for pick up will be 12 Noon until 6 p.m., unless prior arrangement are made.
If you are not interested in bidding online, we encourage the community to donate to this fundraiser and cause through our website at This page also takes you directly to our online auction as well.
“Our goal this year is to raise $10,000 for the cardiology program at HCMC,” said James Smith, President of the Paris and Henry County Healthcare Foundation. “Our annual Casino Night typically brings in at a minimum $10,000, and we still have those needs to meet. You can check out our progress online as well as see our event sponsors. We encourage each of you to support these businesses who are helping to make a difference in the health of the community by donating to this event. We also want to thank Junior Staggs of Bid Last and Win for his willingness to assist us in the community’s first ever online fundraising auction.”
Help us save lives by attending our non-event or making a donation today.
- $50 – You will not have to leave the comfort of your house to attend another event.
- $100 – You will not have to drag your partner off the couch or beg a friend to attend with you.
- $150 – You will not have to choke down another rubber-chicken dinner while making awkward conversation with your table mates.
- $200 – You will not have to pay a babysitter to watch your kids while you attend another event.
- $250 – You will not have to buy another outfit for another event.
- $300 – You will not have to buy raffle tickets or attend cocktail hour.
- $500 – You don’t have to impress your boss/coworker/date at the event.
“With heart disease the number one health issue for our region, this investment will impact the quality of life for our community and beyond,” said Tory Daughrity, Director of Marketing and Public Relations at Henry County Medical Center.
This year’s Premiere Sponsors are HAT Law Firm and Security Bank. Other sponsors include the following:
- Silent Auction Sponsors: Anonymous, Commercial Bank and Trust
- Table Sponsor: Michael Sargent – State Farm Insurance Agent
- Food Sponsor: B&G Equipment, Cowart Reese & Sargent, Dan and Angela Nichols, First Bank, Miss D’s Kitchen, MSCB, Inc., Neese & Neese Law Firm
- Attire Sponsor: Allegro Marinades, ATA, Dana Corporation, DPC, Hulme Sporting Goods, Southern Concrete, My Favorite Things
- The Paris & Henry County Healthcare Foundation has continuously provided improvements in care to Henry County Medical Center, the Henry County Healthcare Center, and other Ancillary Services. We ask that you continue to support us so we can provide that “mission of healing” to the community and region.
Next year’s Casino Night event has been scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 23, 2021 at 6 p.m. at Paris Convention Center. We hope to see you there, but in the meantime, we hope you decided to be a part of our online auction this year!
When you become a sponsor, bid online, or donate, you’re helping Henry County Medical Center offer our community the highest quality of health care, the most innovative technology, right here at home.
To become a sponsor or for more information, contact the Foundation at 731-644-8266 or by e-mail at