The Nature Center will only be open on weekends (8 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days) until June 1, when the hours will expand to Thursday through Sundays, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Nature Center is a team effort by the Paris Landing staff, including Park Manager Zach Tinkle, rangers, maintenance and park staff and volunteers.
The grounds include a native wildlife garden, walking trail, doggie and human water fountains, and kiosk with current events posted. A community vegetable garden is also planned.
Inside the Nature Center are live wildlife including turtles, fish, snakes, gray tree frogs and a falcon, with numerous educational displays and wildlife collections of native rocks, pelts, and information on the animals that can be found in the park, such as Bald Eagles, ospreys and more. The turtles can travel over wooden bridges made by the maintenance staff, who also made the other wildlife displays.
The Nature Center will be constantly evolving with more displays added. The maintenance crew has been working on the center for some time, totally re-doing what used to be a storage area into the center.
The Nature Center is located on Bridgeview Road near the Don Ridgeway Visitor Center.