The Paris-Henry County Arts Council is now accepting manuscripts for its
second annual Writer’s Competition. This year, the Arts Council is teaming with the Bicentennial Committee and the 2022 short story theme is Historic Fiction.
Stories must include some portion of Henry County history based on facts.
Story ideas are endless — soldiers training at Camp Tyson, star-crossed
lovers at the train depot, a ghost in Grove Tower, Elvis at the city auditorium, or
frontier settlers building the town of Buchanan. With a little research and
imagination, writers can find much to write about in the setting of Henry County.
The competition is open to any Henry County resident, ages 14 and above,
and there is no entry fee.
As part of the Bicentennial celebration, stories will be available online at the
conclusion of the competition for anyone wishing to read a new twist on Henry
County history.
Prize money will be given to the top three entries, plus a Judges’ Choice
award will be given. Prize money for adults is $100 for first place, $75 for second place, $50 for third place. Teens, ages 14-17, will be eligible for $75 first place, $50 second place, and $25 third place awards. The best overall story will receive a $150 for Judges’ Choice award.
Stories should not exceed 1,500 words. Authors may submit up to three stories, but prize money will only be awarded to one story. Deadline for completed manuscripts must be received by email no later than 11:59 pm, February 7, 2022.
Submissions may be sent to a new email address for contests:
Official rules and entry information are posted on the Arts Council’s website at For more details, email Information will also be updated on the Council’s Facebook and Instagram pages.