Downtown Union City will be crowded with ghouls and ghosts Friday, October 28 for the annual Downtown Trick or Treating event, followed by the Tyson Community Feed.
Trick or Treating is from 3-5 p.m. and city officials invite everyone to wear their best Halloween costumes and stroll downtown to pick up sweet treats at participating businesses.
The Tyson Community feed begins at 5 p.m. at the Obion County Farmer’s Market (by the Obion County Chamber of Commerce).
City officials caution everyone to be aware of the following road closures for the event. Road closures begin at 2:15 with Trick or Treat beginning at 3 p.m. Please note they have expanded Trick or Treating this year. Make sure to visit our friends on Church Street, 2nd Street, 3rd Street, and the Courthouse! As always, First Street is closed from Scott’s GRILL down to the Fear Factory Haunted House.