Paris Holy Week Schedule

Holy Week services in Paris have been announced. Devotional services and lite lunches will be held in several churches each day next week. The lunches are free, but a $5 donation is appreciated. Devotionals and lunches are held at noon each day and churches take turns providing the lunches.

Additionally, there will be a Community Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 a.m. Sunday, April 17 at the First United Methodist Church lawn.

The schedule:

Monday, April 11: First Presbyterian Church, Lunch provider Quinn Chapel, Speaker Dr. John Dandridge.

Tuesday, April 12: First Baptist Church, lunch provider is First Baptist, Speaker Dr. Trent Bullock.

Wednesday, April 13: First United Methodist Church, lunch provider FUMC, Rev. Tommy Taylor.

Thursday, April 14: Grace Episcopal Church, lunch provider First Presbyterian, Rev. Joy Weathersbee.

Friday, April 15: First Christian, lunch provider First Christian, Rev. Caren Teichmann, Dr. Pam Evans.


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