Holy Week services in Paris have been announced. Devotional services and lite lunches will be held in several churches each day next week. The lunches are free, but a $5 donation is appreciated. Devotionals and lunches are held at noon each day and churches take turns providing the lunches.
Additionally, there will be a Community Easter Sunrise Service at 6:30 a.m. Sunday, April 17 at the First United Methodist Church lawn.
The schedule:
Monday, April 11: First Presbyterian Church, Lunch provider Quinn Chapel, Speaker Dr. John Dandridge.
Tuesday, April 12: First Baptist Church, lunch provider is First Baptist, Speaker Dr. Trent Bullock.
Wednesday, April 13: First United Methodist Church, lunch provider FUMC, Rev. Tommy Taylor.
Thursday, April 14: Grace Episcopal Church, lunch provider First Presbyterian, Rev. Joy Weathersbee.
Friday, April 15: First Christian, lunch provider First Christian, Rev. Caren Teichmann, Dr. Pam Evans.